Xbox One Account for Sale. Games included: Destiny All expansions included (Spent over 100$ in Silver for items and loot crates, etc.) -Each character capable of being 370+ after switching weapons around. -Most exotic weapons available. matter of re-purchase through archive Overwatch -Spent over 100$ in crates openings -Have plenty of skins for most characters -Elo is 2553 (Last time i checked) Rocket League -Bought almost all DLC excluding 1 vehicle -Allstar rank in Doubles and Standard -Shooting Star in 1v1 -Rising Star in Solo Standard -4 Keys available for loot boxes -Prospect, Challenger, Star Boosts available from season 2 -Breakout Type S, Troika Wheels, Drinking Helmet (red), Fez Topper (Purple), Tunicas (Orange), Sunburts (Burnt Sienna), 3 Very Rare decals, 3 Rare Decals, and other etc. -Legend Level 63 ARK: Survival Evolved + Expansion UNO Killer Instinct RISK Urban Assault Magic 2015 Minecraft Battlefield 4 + All Expansions Dead Island Definitive Edition Game of Thrones (Game) Frozen Free Fall Snowball Fight Counter Strike: GO (Backwards Compatible) Goat Simulator Unravel Shadow of Mordor: Game of the Year Edition + Season Pass Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China Gears of War Ultimate Edition Hawken Inside Life is Strange Magic Duels Mirrors Edge (Backwards Compatible) Red Dead Redemption (Backwards Compatible) Ryse Son of Rome The Wolf Among Us APB Reloaded Borderlands Defensive Grid 2 Evolve Grid 2 (Backwards Compatible) Limbo Lords of the Fallen Roblox Smite + All current and future god unlocked Sunset Overdrive The Banner Saga 2 The Crew Thief WWE 2K16 The Division (Season Pass ONLY) Tron Evolution (Backwards Compatible) 43 Games total. If interested please put offers to [email protected] Thanks! Nothing Lower than 400$