Sold [WTS] [EU] level 90 Kai with +15 bow 290+ abc / 200m gold

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HereComesJohnny, 10/15/16.

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  1. HereComesJohnny

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    There is 200m gold on the char which I am also selling (preferrably with the char).
    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    24.5k atk
    89 bal
    130 crit
    72 aspd

    His set is:
    4x Terminus (2x Enlight / Enthu; 1x Silent Decla; 1x Silent Enthu)
    1x Regina (Time's master)[fused with Ghost Armor]

    His weapon is:
    +15 Immoral Conviction Skeleton Bow with +2 Bal (still tradeable)

    His accessories are:
    3* Fast Passion Innocent Cry +2 crit
    Signi Passion Blue Cat Brooch +2 crit
    Scrolled Emerald Belt
    Scrolled Thunder Ring
    Scrolled ODA
    2x Copper Bracelets (HP,DEF)[Fine gems, but very high rolls]

    The character has between 430-480 titles (can't say exact number for security reasons)

    AP wise, everything is maxed except CrossGun skills.

    Has a few runes, few megas and graces, nothing really worth mentioning.
    3 weeks of VVIP in package, ~10k AP in capsules.
    Also, has 2 inners, 2 haircuts, 2 avatars, a tattoo, all permanent. [it has like 7 Beauty shop coupons aswell]

    There is also a lvl 90 Sylas on the account, he's "empty". He has those event equipment (wb/force and such) and a +9 weapon.
    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    For more information about the char, and for screenshots, contact me here or at:
    Skype: kriszak97
    Email: ognjen baric [AT] yahoo . com
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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