Sold Selling OO Eujordine 57ranger - 187/179/193 tri liv, steel dagger, blue awak - +15 bheg

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bobli, 10/15/16.

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  1. bobli

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    You can still redeem 1x 30day Value Pack.
    5x Tier1 Pets. (2 cats, 1 hawk, 1 desert fox, penguin)
    14000 Loyalties

    lvl57 Ranger:
    2 Different Underwear
    Glasses, Earrings
    Ghillie Outfit
    Exp Outfit (Karlstein)
    Awakening Outfit (Sylvia(
    Processing Outfit (Venecil)
    Permanent Horse Flute





    187 AP
    179 Awakening AP
    193 DP
    TRI Liverto Bow
    TRI Steel Dagger
    TRI Heiress's Kamisylven Sword (Blue Dungeon)
    +15 Bheg Gloves

    lvl56 Maehwa:
    Exp Outfit (Karstein)
    Processing Outfit (Venecil)
    Permanent Horse Flute

    If you are interested in the account, leave your skype here, or in private message.

    We will change the email through support.

    current offer: 0
    buyout: 300 eur
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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