Selling Age of Wulin Golden Dynasty - Male , RG, Wuwang, All nedeed skills + more!

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wulintag, 10/14/16.

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  1. Wulintag

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    Male Royal Guard 5th Inner 43/43 with Wuwang inner learned 36/36 Full Jade Gear C5 and C6. READY TO JOIN Blood Sabre Clan!

    I also have those inners learned Toad Style 36/36, Bloody Sabre Classic 17/36, Sitting and Forgetting Skill 30/42,Cold Ice Qi 36/36.
    My meridians are Royal Guard 178/180, Beggar 144/180, Shaolin 144/144, Others are up to 108/108.

    Here are some set skills who i think are important to show, Basic Kung ** 1/12, Kuixing Kick 1/9, Storm Sabre Technique 1/9, Soul-Striking Claw, Pull 5/9 BB 9/9 Rage 5/9 Others 1/9, Bloody Killing Sabre Technique 1/6, Craziness Cane Technique, Rage 1/3 Charge 1/2 Others 1/1, Luohan Fist, Buddha 6/6 Meitreya 2/6 Others 1/9, Heaven-Erasing Stab, Parry Break 4/5 Others 4/4, Internal Alchemy 10/10, Lightness skills 12/12, Lightness upgrade, missing only a page 4., Escape Unnoticed 1/4, Counter-Attacking Strike 4/4, Heavenly Steed Soars across the Sky 4/4, Three Rings Cover the Moon 4/4, More Partings than Meetings 4/4, Eight Trigrams Staff 1/8, Fight Drunk Immortals 1/3.

    Blacksmith level 10 and almost all recipes learned, Cook level 6 but only around 75-80% recipes learned.
    No vip, I have only 2 Outfits, 150Liang Unbound, One raw jade for claw and more items in bag and store.

    I can accept Middleman from this site, my price its 250euro negociable, you can leave your offer/skype here or send me a private message with your contact ID if you need more info about my account or if you want to buy it tnx.

    I can also trade my account for steam games or steam wallet/paysafecard.
    You can also leave your price here or send me a private message.
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