No one do business with this scammer.he traded my mage for his arch.then gave mage back cause be didnt want to find a buyer then after i had acc for days and put money on it he takes the acc back to go sell the acc.not the mage the arch that was mine since we made trade already.
How if he made trade.he said he doesnt want the acc cause he cant sell it so gave it back.i put money on the acc and he just takes it back.that's ok?so i trade an acc with you and you put money to it then i take it back and sell it.your problem
If he said he could keep it then the account no longer belongs to Idi.. I would be so mad if I put money into an account someone gave me and it was taken.
Thank you.finally someone understands.once the trade is done and accs were exchanged it was now my acc.then on top of that i put money in to it