Sold Selling WTS/WTT (2 lords level 40) (5 knights level 40) (38 rachel) (34 kris)

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Valith, 10/13/16.

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  1. Valith

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    Account is in globbal.
    Only going to mention the relevant heroes, here goes:

    Lubu:Level 40+5
    Ace:Level 40+5 (lots more ace for future level 46)
    Eileene:Level 40+5
    Rudy:Level 40+5
    Jave: Level 40+5
    Dellonse: Level 36+5, plus 2 more dellonse, so level 40
    Rachel: Level 38+5
    Spike: Level 38+5, plus 1 more spike, so level 40
    Wukong: Level 34+5, plus 1 more wukong, so level 36
    Kris: Level 34+5

    a total of 29 level 40+5 heroes.

    A few awakened weapons.
    Selling price- please offer
    Trade conditions- Interested in Chaos chronicle accounts, dragon blaze accounts, Evilbane accounts, and light fellowship of loux accounts.

    Contact me on Line: leiling0918
    Kik: valithsweg
    pm on playerup
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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