I'm looking to sell my account with 1.2 billion power in BUCO state #277. It is a rally trap account, capable of swallowing an entire 3 million rally with commander level 60 leading without using boosts. Over 16 million troops (11.75 million T4 and the rest T3). If the account is zeroed, its power will be around 668 million. 38 million kills and the latest VIP Prestige at rank 9, with only 8 million points left for rank 10. Commander level 58 with all kind of gear for either infantry, tactics or armored. Level 55 full set gear for troop training and gear for research and building. This includes the Hardened Gear for infantry attack and the latest atom weapon for research speed. Troop academy level 4 (allowing you to turn your t3 into t4). Combat lab level 9. 9 level 21 hospitals and 1 level 22 hospital (giving you 410k beds). Most buildings level 22 (this includes research, embassy, prison, war room, wall, etc). Embassy at max level in both building and research, allowing you to be reinforced with 1.750.000 troops from your alliance members. Capable of rallying with 3 million troops. Wall filled with 225k advanced t4 traps. Speed-ups: - 18060 days "normal" speed ups (the ones you can use with whatever you want to) - 443 days "research only" speed ups. - 105 days "buildings only" speed ups. - 2 commander instant elimination. - 1> 12h pill - 1> 2 days pill - 1> 8 hours commander elimination speed up. - 6> 24 hours commander elimination speed up. PM me for more details or any other relevant information I didn't put over here.