NOTE: The following characters have excellent equipment/parts (it's a 5 y/o account) but very few gems (mostly old event gems). The gems were deleted due to a bug and I never got them back, so I dropped the game and that's why I am asking for such a low price. The chars of the account are powerful and can easily compete even without gems, so you could work miracles with a little bit of farming. There are four characters. All lvl50, with their wisdom points all maxed out. 1. Dragon Knight. Rank Marshal, about 2/5 of the way to Field Marshal. It is the main character, has almost every high level unique/set that the game introduced until last month, plus tons of very good items (full 4 yellow lines breastplate 30%dmg/470HP, full speed boots and gloves, 2 yellow lines 2-handed axes/hammers, etc). Has nearly 5K base dmg without any gems. Has about 300K blue essence and tons of other resources. Also still has several rare event gems, plus a few polished sapphires and other low-lvl gems. Has many pets, including zumbe's 100 clover 8% attack speed pet, and several mounts. You can buy more stuff with the 31.000 draken that he has if you feel that you need something to change your gameplay, but I have tons of items and many millions of glyphs that can be arranged into any possible configuration. Without any gems, my common 2-handed configuration has about 4.5K DMG, 5.6K Critical and 16K health. 2. Spellweaver. Rank Marshal. Has the old Dragan set, the old Witch hunter set and some other good items. 3. Steam Mechanicus. Low PvP rank. Has some good items, parts of the enforcer set. 4. Ranger. Low PvP rank. Just got him to lvl50 and stopped, this one has no set items or good uniques. Any questions or screenshot requests? Feel free to drop me a private message here, or drop me your facebook account link and I'll add you for a chat. If you want any screenshots, message me and let me know what it is that you'd like to see. Price is 120 USD, 110 EUR, 100 GBP. Whatever works for you. Open to offers, but no trades please, I don't want another account. I can only accept payment via PayPal, direct bank transfer (if you are in the UK or can transfer money to a UK account) or use Middleman.
The price is now 120 USD, 110 EUR, 100 GBP. The main char now has a few polished gems (3xpolished sapphires plus some more), 26K draken and Gnob's Life Weapon.
ok... send me a picture of mage and dk to e mail: [email protected] tell me that is corect pay on paypal method?