Selling Magic Rush Merger 30/ Level 90/ Top50 / Legendary 4 Star / VIP 11

Discussion in 'Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bloodspirit, 8/24/16.

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  1. bloodspirit

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    I have sold already one big account here so this is my second account. Everything worked out well with selling the first one so u can be save that im no scammer ;-)

    WTS my lvl 90 Magic Rush Account (level 90) with 2k Diamonds.
    Arena: top50 (best rank was rank 1)
    Hero brawl: top100
    Hero prayer: lvl 11 (8 heroes with 2 dots and 1 with 1 dot)
    Academy: lvl 75
    Crystal Dungeon: top100 (125)
    Legendary: Theresa 4 Stars
    Gold Star Heroes: 3 Hero
    Silver Star Heroes: 5 Heroes
    War guardian: easy full points every day
    Awakened heroes: 4 Heroes
    Ressources: over 1000000 each res
    VIP: 11
    Fortnight diamonds plan: already payed 31 more days from today
    Bag: over 20 relocation cards, over 400 ressources packs, 13 shields, way over 900 crystal dungeon items, way over 1000 souls, 5000+ runes
    Im in one of the best guilds of Merger30.
    I have got more than 10 Heroes orange+.
    20+ heroes are on max Level.
    If u buy this account u are in a good spot to stay top50 in arena, top100 in brawl and got connections to the strongest players of this server. With brawl, arena and fortnight alone u get every day over 250 dias for free. I have got no real enemys on this server. I have got millions of gold.
    U can get even stronger if u put some more money in and bring theresa to a fully 5 star hero. She is awesome and supports u like crazy in brawl, cd, arena, crusade and so on...

    PM your offers here or in whatsapp/mail.
    If u are interested write me in Whatsapp +4917681206268.
    Or an email : [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

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    [trigger=by]For: bloodspirit Re: #1[/trigger]
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  3. OP

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    Still ready for sale.
    If u wanna have to be save that i wont scam u i can send u screenshots of whatsapp last trade and other stuff.
    Just message me with your offer.
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  4. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: bloodspirit Re: #2[/trigger]
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  5. OP

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    Its still here :D
    Some more XP maxed heroes
    Gold and Silver stars are growing
    text me if u are interested
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  6. OP

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    I have sold already one big account here so this is my second account. Everything worked out well with selling the first one so u can be save that im no scammer ;-)

    WTS my lvl 90 Magic Rush Account (level 90) with 2600 Diamonds.
    Arena: top30 (best rank was rank 1)
    Hero brawl: top100
    Hero prayer: lvl 12 (12 heroes with 2 dots and 1 with 1 dot)
    Talents: 5 Heroes over 20%, 5 Heroes over 10%, 8 heroes over 1% (activated talents 88, level 4-15)
    Academy: lvl 80
    Crystal Dungeon: top100 (126)
    Legendary: Theresa 4 Stars
    Gold Star Heroes: 6 Hero
    Silver Star Heroes: 5 Heroes
    War guardian: easy full points every day
    Awakened heroes: 4 Heroes
    Ressources: over 1000000 each res
    VIP: 11 (nearly 12)
    Bag: over 40 relocation cards, over 600 ressources packs, 15 shields, way over 900 crystal dungeon items, way over 1500 souls, 5000+ runes
    Im in one of the best guilds of Merger30.
    I have got more than 10 Heroes orange+. (7 Heroes orange +3 and max runes)
    nearly 30 heroes are on max Level. (18 of them are at 99/100 xp capped)
    If u buy this account u are in a good spot to stay top50 in arena, top100 in brawl and got connections to the strongest players of this server. With brawl, arena and fortnight alone u get every day over 250 dias for free. I have got no real enemys on this server. I have got millions of gold.
    U can get even stronger if u put some more money in and bring theresa to a fully 5 star hero. She is awesome and supports u like crazy in brawl, cd, arena, crusade and so on...

    PM your offers here or in whatsapp/mail.
    If u are interested write me in Whatsapp +4917681206268.
    Or an email : [email protected]

    New upgrades :)
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  7. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: bloodspirit Re: #4[/trigger]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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