Selling [Selling] Skyforge EU account 3,3M prestige - special neon icon from PvP for 1st place

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by WilliamBirkin, 10/10/16.

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  1. WilliamBirkin

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    Hello there... i am selling my acc in Skyforge on EU.. my nickname -> William Birkin

    My prestige is: 3,3M Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

    There are some screens what i have. i didn't played it almost 3 months. I just played a lot pvp so my ACC was popular :)

    There is the special neon icon from PvP for 1st place: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

    My Credits,Medals,Argents,Rare Crystallite,Resources,Symbols,Mounts,Invetory i have 228 free space,premium ACC. Expires 04.03.2017 (12:56) ... Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

    For more info about my acc in Skyforge things and etc.. you can contact me on Skype: Patrik.ik123 or Facebook.: Patrik Šikyř | Facebook.

    What about money ? I spend a lot money to this game,but we can make a deal :)
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