Selling Selling EU - Lvl 90 Delia with equip and nx items

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SlowBrou, 10/9/16.

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  1. SlowBrou

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    Im selling my lvl 90 delia with a nice name 3 Avatar sets (2premium avatars)
    alot of nx items and a terminus sentinel set half scrolled and 3*.
    I already sold the +15 weap and dont play anymore so im selling the whole account for some euros
    The acc also holds a lyn, fiona, arisha, evee lvl 90 and a vella lvl 75.
    reply if youre interested and ill give you my contact.
    I dont expect too much for it but dont come up with a 15 euro offer. ty
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