⭐️EVE Online ISK - Instant Delivery 24/7 ⭐️MINIMUM ORDER 5 BIL ISK

Discussion in 'EVE Online ISK For Sale' started by DedsecAQ, 9/18/23.

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  1. DedsecAQ

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    My Location:
    ISK (interstellar kredits) - 太空 DedsecAQ Eve 在线游戏货币

    3.5$=1B(Prices are updated from time to time. Welcome to consult)

    Delivery Methods:

    - transfer (direct crediting to the account)

    - contract (redemption of your contract - private or public)

    Important: If you need a specific delivery method, contact the operators for clarification before paying for the order.

    Delivery Terms:

    - your character must be older than 21 days (for the security of your account)

    If your account does not meet the requirements, check with the operators for the opportunity to place an order BEFORE payment.

    Delivery terms:

    Usually, the order is delivered within 15-30 minutes.

    Guaranteed maximum delivery time is 12 hours.

    If there is a force majeure with the delivery, the buyer will be surely warned and it will be added some bonus from us


    Buying and selling game currency for real money is prohibited in most online games, including Eve online. Buying game currency, you violate the user agreement of the owners or developers of the game and may be punished.

    #1 DedsecAQ, 9/18/23
    Last edited: 9/19/23
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