With the semi-recent addition of security questions I decided to make a PSA. Be incredibly cautious when buying an account with the questions answered. I ran a few tests a while back to see how much it actually affected accounts. It's possible, (I've done it), to take just the email of the account and the security question answers and migrate the account over to a new email. I'd recommend that if you ever buy an account, CHANGE IT IMMEDIATELY TO AN EMAIL WHICH NOBODY ELSE KNOWS! Otherwise, the owner can simply SE support into changing the email, as I said previously, this is not only possible but also fairly easy. Do not just leave an account with the email, no matter how trusted the person is. As always, trade safe, RotMG Moderation Going to leave this open for a month as a warning to everybody. This is not to say don't buy accounts with the questions answered. Just be extremely cautious when doing so.