Selling WTS Top Unique acc with Level 10 open taichi

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by khainguyen, 10/8/16.

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  1. khainguyen

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    Male account in scholars:

    This acc is mainly built for big war and 1v1, can take on a lot of KYOC.


    ATCF - 5 skills - Rage level 10
    Blood Sea Demon Blade - Rage lvl 3, Pull lvl 3


    All 8 school meridians at Maxed 180 except scholars unlocked to 216
    Reverse Meridians at Maxed 180 - ATS, Changfeng, Mt Hua


    Scholars 5th inner - Maxed
    Sholars 6th inner - 39
    Jianghu - AWE, PT, Icy, Taoist, Sunset - all unlocked to lvl 36

    Weapon manuals:

    Barehand - Maxed 1000/1000
    Single Sword - Maxed 1000/1000
    Dual Sword - Maxed 1000/1000
    Blade - Maxed 1000/1000
    Single Dagger - Maxed 1000/1000
    Twin Dagger - 512/512
    Hidden Weapon - 512/512
    Dual Blades - 512/512
    Staff - 74/512
    Quarter Staff - 512/512


    Disguise Trick the enemy - Max lvl 4
    Emei Bubble - Lvl 4
    Beast Villa Speed skill lvl 8, unlocked to lvl 10
    ATS Jade Maiden 2nd skill set - Max lvl 10
    Mt Hua 1st and 2nd skill set - lvl 9-10, all unlocked to Max lvl 10(Can crit 4k+)
    Scholars leisure Kicks - Max lvl 11
    Scholars spin to win and Plum(Red Armor) - Max lvl 11
    Advanced Fly skills all Maxed
    Scholar 4th set- lvl 8
    Western Fencing lvl 8
    Perish blades- lvl 4-5

    Cash Sets:
    9p - All skills maxed lvl 10, some lvl 11
    Buddha Heart Palm - maxed lvl 10
    Curled Branch - maxed lvl 10
    8 Trigrams - skills at lvl 8 - 10.. All unlocked to 10

    All Class c6 Jade with (%20 Tai Chi Rage Damage Bracers)
    Weapons c6 Jade - Chef Flute, Chef Twin Sword, Chef Single Blade

    Bird, Monkey

    Twin Sword - Hanbi Sheath
    Single Sword - Zhenwu Sword Sheath
    Single Blade - Nightstalker Blade

    Outfits - Red Fince Mink (Black) Inexorable Stealth Raiment (Ninja outfit)

    Other Items:

    3200 Yang Swords
    Five Aggregates Books
    1100 Lucky Tokens
    1500 scholar school certs
    100 Gold
    500 Advanced Repair tools
    15 masks(25 kills)
    Double Saddle
    Tier 3 Cave

    Contact me thru skype, i'll reply faster : shadowmaster2403
    email: [email protected] (slower reply).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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