Selling Star Wars: Commander Lvl 10 HQ. 200 asking price.

Discussion in 'Star Wars Commander Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by aaronj, 10/5/16.

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  1. aaronj

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    Selling lvl 10 rebels HQ. A picture is attached below of the bases layout. The HQ is stocked with extra inventory such as 6 rebel vanguards, 7 ithorian infiltrators, 4 Johhar Kessen, 5 Krayt Dragons, 3 A-wings, 3 Luggabeast munitioneers, 3 stolen AT-AT walkers, 4 Droideka Oppressors, and 5 Droideka Sentinals.

    I have three Droid huts which allow for faster building and 210 crystals.

    Planetary command is a level 4. (allows you to travel to 5 of the 6 planets)

    All turrets are either level 7 or 8.
    Alloy and Credit markets are either level 7 or 8.
    Credit and alloy vaults are also level 7 or 8.

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    My X-wings, Y-wings and A-wings are all level 9.
    My HWK 290 and Z-95 Headhunter are both level 8.
    My B-wings are level 5.

    Chewie and Han are level 9.
    Leia is level 8.
    Luke is level 7.
    R2-D2 is level 6.
    Johhar Kessen is level 5.

    AT-TE and AT-RT are level 8.
    Speeder bikes, AAT-1 Hover Tankand Juggernaut are level 7.
    AT-AP Walker are level 6.
    Rebel Hailfire Droid and T2-B Repulsor Tank are level 5.
    Anti-Vehicle Skiff is level 3.

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