Forza Horizon 3 Trainer Credits

Discussion in 'Forza Horizon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by unknown434, 10/5/16.

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  1. unknown434

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    My last post got deleted due to not having a virus scan. but it says im not not allowed to post links here.
    Anyways welcome to my forza horizon 3 trainer this will allow you to get credits 100m exsact by pressing = to activate / to minimize and - for debug. i have wrote a read me explaining what is what. in the zip file below. (THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS) so please dont moan about it.

    No other way of sending virus scan due to links are turned off so i sent pictures.

    https: // virustotal .com/en/file/ec5c64822d68d67ac836ba7536bee8d8bdbd88d844d9d03282 7b9d95d826251b/analysis/

    also working on xp will give you only a little

    alloc(newmem,2048,"forza_x64_release_final.exe"+1C 5ABF8)

    newmem: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access
    mov [eax] ,#10000000
    //mov [rdi+08],eax
    jmp forza_x64_release_final.utility::conversions::to_b ase64+323595

    jmp returnhere

    jmp newmem

    this isnt the whole thing.
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