Sold Selling WTS 57 Sorc 160/157 gear + ~ 1055,4 mill silver in items mostly

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by akmaggot666, 10/4/16.

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  1. akmaggot666

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    Sorceress lv57 12%
    Server: Alustin EU

    All Screenshots:

    890 Skill Points
    Story Quests fully done, almost all 'house' quest done, except those that need certain profession lvl
    3/4 +50LT bought from Loyality Store
    425 Energy (a lot of knowledge quests done for energy, u don't need to do any, 425 is more than enough)
    278 Contribution Points, the majority spent on resources nodes, think I've made a good job taking all the best nodes possible, never sold any material so far so it's kind of a lot of materials ready for crafting if u want to maximize profit
    560 Pearls
    1166 Loy (rising 100 per day)
    Kibelius Costume (no skin, tho it's not needed for 10% repair consumption, can be bought from AH)
    In next 10 day attendance rewards will give +5mill +10mill, few mill of other items, artisan worker, 7Day value pack, Underwear box, 1 RNG Boss gear Item :) (on track to obtain all)
    2 Shop Beds 3energy per 3min while sleeping/afk (goes good with high energy, u can sleep for 7h and it will get full (420min = 7H)
    Premium Horse Flute
    More info on stats on screenshots
    Few Skill Point reset items also awakened addons reset 1d-30d ones
    IN BANK 1194 Hunter's Seal = 597 Black Armor Stones = 119,4 mill silver worth (those do not calculate in bank aprox. price shown below in each)

    Workers are mostly blue, few artisan and few pro, blue ones are lv30 or close too, ready to try promotion
    T5 Horse lv12, T3 Lv30, Wagon, Fishing Ship
    T3 Hawk, T1 Desert Fox ×2, T1 Penguin (2 decent buffs so far) 2 are lv1, lv10 takes less than a week

    TRI Liverto Amulet
    PRI of Seduction (green) u want to farm Dandelion next (6 karanda's aura, 94 more needed, or lucky drop)
    +15 Grunil All Parts
    Accessory Jarette parts (missing 1 earring for set effect)

    Farming Nodes:
    Lv10 Sausan Node for drop
    Lv8 Mansha Forest (most ogres)

    If I missed anything or any questions feel free to ask.
    Faster contact thru email, [email protected]
    #1 akmaggot666, 10/4/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/17/16
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