Sold Hi all I decided to end the game . No have mail...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BadMili Oac, 7/17/16.

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  1. BadMili Oac

    BadMili Oac
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    Hi all I decided to end the game . No have mail WTS warroir 6/6 t4 tank(full lvl 5) and warr dd.(2 gemm 4 lvl,other gems full lvl 5) 1/6 dazzling tank(5 lvl),1/6 dazzling warr(5 lvl) Cloak t4 tank and warr 5 lvl. Neck t4 Rings t4 2/2 tank,2/2 warr dd. 2/2 legendary gems 60 lvl. 1/2 legendary gem 70 lvl(tank). All tank and warr t3+ with 5 lvl gems. Oracular axes(5 lvl) and shield. 6 lvl 2/2. Have maaaaany buffs(20% buffs for 3 year noj stop play) Pendants 2/2+1 atman. 600+ pve pils 100+ pvp pils(oh,i no have s3 gear) 1400+souls,16 hero emdblems and 20 hero chests. Vip 6. No have normal vanity( :( ) 50+ mounts.Golden Ghost and Kraken have too. Have normal fox/up fox and normal lura and 20+ other pets. Android OM.150€ paypal. Thanks all.
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    Funk Oac

    Funk Oac
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    Michał Zalewski

    Michał Zalewski
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    Johanna Esmeralda Gleichtrist

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    oh no mail? hahahaha
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    Michał Zalewski

    Michał Zalewski
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    I can vouch for him very nice guy
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    Pepe Carlos

    Pepe Carlos
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    I'm very sad that you want to stop but ofc I'll vouch for you as well :*
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    Александр Малый

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    Там с почтами до 100 ценники, а ты.без почты столько.хочешь :/
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