I didn't hear about this rumor alot and I doubt it.. Gameloft gets plenty money from their players they would be dumb to stop, right
yeah but i heard they'll simply close and rebirth the server to beta days...everyone willl be back to zero which will be so frustating specially to those who have spent much time and money,(thru they will have compensation)....btw this humor came from a top player in af server
Theres a lot of mmorpg that is so popular that shuts down ... Oac isnt that popular so it mighy close soon even your saying gl makes plenty of money in game
No it's not just trolls exploiting the new system hve none of u logged last for weeks and seen your skills on your bar tab gone and u have to repick spec there trying to balance the game with all new class updates some will suck some will be op and from what u can tell they don't have gms to test new update they relie on player feedback so give it time ....