Sold How well does dps war perform in pvp

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bløod Rayne, 6/29/16.

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  1. Bløod Rayne

    Bløod Rayne
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    How well does dps war perform in pvp?
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    George T. Sly

    George T. Sly
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    For pvp you can say its ok but for pve previous talents were better
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    Bløod Rayne

    Bløod Rayne
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    I realized that its still good for pvp -- I am having a wonderful time so far in pvp zones because a lot more hp and more AP. it's easier now to take on mages, sins, many Milis, monk healers and some archers because I am using a crappy device sometimes it is hard to catch them with the lags. I just hope gameloft will decrease health cost of blood rain which would help a lot. I've never tried war in pve yet though. Many "pro" wars aren't good with the new trees at all and they are even easier to take down now because they don't know how to use the new trees so people with more understanding on the new trees have a good chance of winning against a geared war who doesn't know what he/she is doing. This was something I learned recently
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    George T. Sly

    George T. Sly
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    This is what i use for pve, had to sacrifice some crit. for haste
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    George T. Sly

    George T. Sly
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    For previous talents i used this but now i use gear with more haste
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    Bløod Rayne

    Bløod Rayne
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    With previous talents I used the same tree I use for pvp because I developed the tree setup to be for both pve and pvp without having to change spec everytime. I just prefer to develop my own specs and combos than to use someone else's
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    George T. Sly

    George T. Sly
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    When they updated talents i had still 23h of mist decide buff didnt even feel the moral drain so didnt had to swich but after it expired, had to
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    Isabella Oac

    Isabella Oac
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    War is fantastic for pvp, one ability on the end of the talent tree, the last one down. I can't remember what it's called but it's a 25% to instantly kill the enemy.
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    George T. Sly

    George T. Sly
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    Read conditions for using it
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    Isabella Oac

    Isabella Oac
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    My brother was doing pvp with me and did 50k damage, and he's not pro by any means
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    George T. Sly

    George T. Sly
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    Its not matter of dmg, it's poorly thought out, if you're not carefull enough you'll end up with 0 moral so kinda kills the entire dd wars burst
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