Sold I wanna play Oac1 because it has way more...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ali Al-Nabhan, 8/17/16.

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  1. Ali Al-Nabhan

    Ali Al-Nabhan
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    I wanna play Oac1 because it has way more content and is way more fun then Oac2. Yet im afraid if i start oac1 again that itll die and i would have wasted my time leveling a char to 70 and getting good gear. I dont mind playing oac2 but i just dont like the classes and the valor system or wtv. Any help?
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    Rawa S. Omer

    Rawa S. Omer
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    Oac1 update on the way next one will be s4 and after that lvl75 cap
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    Juan Vasquez

    Juan Vasquez
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    Its waaay easy to get to 70 now a days took me about a day
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