Sold Hello I have on sale Nice Account Gemed 4/5...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Michał Zalewski, 9/8/16.

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  1. Michał Zalewski

    Michał Zalewski
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    Hello I have on sale Nice Account Gemed 4/5 Here is few screens if someone want more details on Pm No Mail Toon had few owners we are last Royal 6 Archer/Sin Android
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    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    How much?
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    Michał Zalewski

    Michał Zalewski
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    Offer on priv
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    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    Check messages
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    Idi Oac

    Idi Oac
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    Was embles account and no mail so...
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    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    Does that mean i can trust him?
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    Idi Oac

    Idi Oac
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    Who knows what emble is going to do
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  8. OP
    Michał Zalewski

    Michał Zalewski
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    Emble could fck 2 owners before
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    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    What exactly is emble?
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    Michael Sammy

    Michael Sammy
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    Emble = emblemach who was a scammer from France that scammed like 100 OaC accounts by changing email linked to account once he knew the username. This archer was his original toon but I think he really did stop playing it becuz he hasn't scammed it back
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  11. PlayerUp

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    [trigger=by]For: Michael Sammy Re: #10[/trigger]
    #11 PlayerUp, 9/8/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/13/18
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    Michał Zalewski

    Michał Zalewski
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    I think he don't have mail for it
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    Tomáš Crasty Kudělka

    Tomáš Crasty Kudělka
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    Lol u will be so rich man xD
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