Sold I want to sell this monk account on IOS: 4/6...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Alex Ott, 9/25/16.

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  1. Alex Ott

    Alex Ott
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    I want to sell this monk account on IOS: 4/6 heal t4 - 4/6 milli t4 6/6 heal s3 - 6/6 milli s3 all t3.5 - some t4.5 ocular heal weapon + legendery heal gem all gear is full gemmed with lvl 4 and some lvl 5 gems lots of material for milli ocluar weap , tabs , epoch , buffs etc. -the account comes with 5 k gold and 0 runes --> the account has no mail so i sell it cheaper then normal i want to get payed by paypal so you have a chance to refund your money in case you dont trust me. --> I really try to sell the account because i dont play anymore , write me a personal massage to get more information about the account the mail etc .
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  2. OP
    Jonathan Hernandez

    Jonathan Hernandez
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    Pm me
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  3. OP
    Alex Ott

    Alex Ott
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    I am not looking for fake or cracked pay pall accounts sorry
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