Sold Hi. I try to sell my Warrior Account. Royal 12,...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Oac Mystique, 10/4/16.

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  1. Oac Mystique

    Oac Mystique
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    Hi. I try to sell my Warrior Account. Royal 12, 30000 Runes need for Royal 13 and Gold. The Account come with email. Android - Observer Market This Level 73 Warrior is the only pro Character on this account. Warrior have 12/12 T4 enlight complete with Level 5 Gem 6/6 S3 complete with Level 5 Gem 4/6 Dazzling Warrior with complete Level 5 Gem 4/6 Dazzling Tank without Gem 2/2 Scanner Upgrade 3 4/4 Legendäry Level 7 Gem 2/2 Level 6 Gem T4 and T4,5 Trinket and many more. Pedant and 1 Atman Some new Level 3 and Level 2 Gem in the package Agatha, Golden Ghost etc etc Price : I don't know, make me an offert. It's my first try to sell Account. Pay with Skrill or maybe I can create a PayPal Account. PS: Tank have with 20% Starmina Buff and Upgrade Petit in Greenmount 70.000 HP
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  2. OP
    Mari Talantova

    Mari Talantova
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    Looks like my old warrior sold to Rayven. Who can vouch u?
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    Oac Mystique

    Oac Mystique
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    If I look at your name, I think it's your old warrior. The Login sounds like your name. I have buy this account 5 or 6 month ago. For vouch I must look who from my ingame friends are here on Facebook.. I have create this account only for selling the warrior. I'm playing af server, sunny guilde, maybe someone of them here on Facebook.. Why you need vouch for me?
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  4. OP
    Mari Talantova

    Mari Talantova
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    Donno if you are Rayven or his friend, this account was scammed already once or more and will be scammed again.
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  5. PlayerUp

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    [trigger=by]For: Mari Talantova Re: #4[/trigger]
    #5 PlayerUp, 10/4/16
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    Oac Mystique

    Oac Mystique
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    What does you mean.. Scammed?
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    Mari Talantova

    Mari Talantova
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    Was stolen I mean)
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  8. PlayerUp

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    [trigger=by]For: Mari Talantova Re: #6[/trigger]
    #7 PlayerUp, 10/4/16
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    Oac Mystique

    Oac Mystique
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    Who stole? I have pay 300 Dollars. You mean someone can stole it again? I have email, so how someone should do it.
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  10. PlayerUp

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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: Oac Mystique Re: #7[/trigger]
    #8 PlayerUp, 10/4/16
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  11. OP
    Mari Talantova

    Mari Talantova
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    Email can be recovered.
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    Oac Mystique

    Oac Mystique
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    But I haven't any problem from buying after now. I think if someone will stolen the account he or she would not wait 6 months. Or?
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  13. PlayerUp

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  14. OP
    Mari Talantova

    Mari Talantova
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    Or u are Rayven and I'm just wasting time, talking with u.
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    Oac Mystique

    Oac Mystique
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    Do you know, with this post you make my chance to sell this account near zero. What have I been doing to get you?
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  16. OP
    Oac Mystique

    Oac Mystique
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    *doing to you?
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  17. OP
    Mari Talantova

    Mari Talantova
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    That's what I want.
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  18. OP
    Oac Mystique

    Oac Mystique
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