Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by aderal, 10/4/16.

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  1. aderal

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    Hello my name is Jay and i've become very good at getting myself out of investigations into instant refunds/Regular refunds, Free shipping, Free prime, and unblacklisting. (Still trying to get better at unblacklisting though!!)

    I want to give out my services to anyone in a squeeze on money and REALLY want that CPU or Graphics cards and just cant wait till next pay day ! or... anyone needing a refund.. either works :confused:

    I currently do .com but i can find out how to do .ca,, .fr (i think you use a vpn to get into the desired web location)

    Small or Big doesn't matter. Always been manipulative and very good with my words so i usually have no problem refunding stuff.

    Regarding 3rd party seller refunds! YES i can do those but i would much rather it not be on your main email because i will be in and out waiting for responses from the seller. if you plan on refunding anything from a 3rd party seller i would prefer you switch your email upon purchase and change it after the refund is done. or if you don't give a hoot then ignore this section.

    i want challenges ! throw your amazon items that need to be refunded, at me!

    So jay why are you doing this?
    Vouches and too much free time honestly. This could potentially become a lil business of mine, i guess we'll see.

    ALSO i have some tips and tricks for ..Life. :)
    AALSO doing cracked account refunds
    AAALSO Max is 1000$ for a Guaranteed Refund, Anything over i'd be happy to try but cannot guarantee success !!

    My skype is in my BIO, if you're dense, my skype is Poppnqaps

    Pls vuch.pls
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