Sold Trading OO Trading maehwa lvl 57 tri boss 3/4 191/237 tri:tree spirit belt eu jordine

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ChaosFrame, 10/4/16.

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  1. ChaosFrame

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    Hello i am Trading my Acc for Acc on Jordine prefering Blader or Beserker class lvls 59+,Acc does not have to have boss armors its not a req.Mainly i am looking for a high lvl class.

    Skype : denis.drndelic

    --Account Info


    --LvL 57 63%
    --3 Billion Market Value
    --1084 LT Weight
    --192 Inventory Space
    --50 Days Value Pack

    --Red Moon Costume
    --Treant Costume
    --Order Of The Apricot Costume
    --Permanent Horse Flute

    --236 Energy
    --270 Contribution Points
    --929 Skill Points


    --TRI:Hebetate Tree Spirit's Armor
    --TRI:Giath's Helmet
    --PRI:Bheg Gloves( Were Tri Failed to Tet )
    --TRI:Ultimate shoes of Heve

    --TRI:Liverto Blade ( 2x Red Battlefield Crystals )
    --TRI:Ultimate White Horn Bow ( Awakend Spirit's Crystal )

    --DUO:Red Coral Earring x2
    --DUO:Blue Coral Ring x2
    --Duo:Mark of Shadow
    --TRI:Tree Spirit Belt
    --Ogre Ring

    --Pets Are Perfect:

    --2x Tier 4 Pets
    --1x Tier 3 Pet
    --1x Tier 1

    --Karma Recovery 9%
    --Combat Exp 9%
    --Fishing 6%

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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