These are the cards I feel like pointing out on the account There are a good amount of other 4* and 5* cards that I don't feel like writing out. The formation 980k 234332 attack 1775113 def Has Prep skill trigger lvl 5 character hp up lvl 5 battle reward credit lvl 4 Card binder is almost full at 229/250 1 mil credits 104k ally pts 489 crystals 5* 8/15 Awakened Boba fett (locked) 8/15 Awakened Nines skill 45/50 4/7 vader TPC 4/7 Boba DfH skill 28/40 4/7 Phasma skill 40/40 evo1 Phasma skill 1/40 4/7 Vader (locked) 4/7 Kylo skill 40/40 4/7 GG skill 40/40 evo1 General Hux (CT) 4/7 Dengar skill 1/40 evo 2+ darth maul 4/7 Shadow Trooper skill 23/40 Darth Maul MR Darth Maul RotS 8/15 awakened General Hux skill 50/50 Kylo Ren Anakin TFO 4* 16/31 Awakened Phasma skill 50/50 8/15 Phasma skill 1/40 16/31 Awakened ShadowTrooper 16/31 Awakened FO Tie Fighter Pilot skill 1/50 8/15 Awakened FO Tie Fighter Pilot skill 30/50 4/7 Umb Solider skill 1/40 8/15 TIE fighter Pilot