Sold [HAVE] PC [WHEELS] >-Tunica (Titanium White)...

Discussion in 'Rocket League Items for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Stačí Len Adam, 10/3/16.

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  1. Stačí Len Adam

    Stačí Len Adam
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    [HAVE] PC [WHEELS] >-Tunica (Titanium White) >-Tunica (Purple) >-Rat Rods (Orange) >-Lobo (Black + Sniper Certified) >-Lobo (Saffron) >-Sunbursts (Crimson Red) >-Sunbursts (Lime) >-Sunbursts (Black) >-Sunbursts (Cobalt) >-Lightning Wheels (Burnt sienna Acrobat certified) *also have sky blue and white sunbursts, but only good offers for them cuz I wear them
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    Kent V. Blomvik Moe

    Kent V. Blomvik Moe
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    how many keys for lime, black or cobalt suns?
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    Connor Kenway

    Connor Kenway
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    He's a scammer don't trade with him how do you think he got these items? By scamming people.
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  4. PlayerUp

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    #4 PlayerUp, 10/4/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/17/16
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    Stačí Len Adam

    Stačí Len Adam
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    Stačí Len Adam

    Stačí Len Adam
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    Not everyone is love you like you, acting rude to everyone so you dont get trades :)
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    Connor Kenway

    Connor Kenway
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    Please you ******* norwegian people Russians,Slovaks,Czechs,Swedes all of you each of you is a scammer and you cant speak english ffs.
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  8. PlayerUp

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