Sold Buying Godly Geared [na] Account. Paying $1500. I'm Highly Repped. Read For More Info

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by firstn20, 10/4/16.

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  1. firstn20

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    Greetings playerup,

    I'm looking to purchase a SUPER geared BDO account on the NA servers. Paying $1500, depending on what's on the account. Here are some of the things I'm interested in being on the account. Keep in mind, I'm not saying that I want an account with all these items on it, but these are the items I'm interested in. Super high end accounts only please:

    Classes: I'm interested in either a Ranger, Sorc, Warrior or Blader

    Weapons: TRI or TET Kzarka / TRI or TET Karanda or Karanda Box / TRI or TET Offhand

    Accessories: DUO or TRI Belt / DUO Ogre Ring / TRI MOS or DUO Crescent Rings / TRI Witch Earrings or DUO Whale Molars or Khalk Earrings

    Armor: Bheg's Gloves / Hebe Tree Armor / Giath's Helmet / Mushkin's Boots

    Extras: High Energy and CP / Acct Pearl Item Value / Life Skills Level / Quality of Workers / Node Levels / Mob Ranks

    Contact me by sending me a private message and telling me what you have on your account. I'm highly repped, so sell with confidence. Thank you
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