Sold [WTS] [WEST] S> lv 83 Vella with TWO +15 TWIN SWORDS

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BentoBySenpai, 10/3/16.

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  1. BentoBySenpai

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    Don't play this account this much, yolo'ed some swords and got both of them to +15

    Sword # 1:
    +15 Impending Maelstrom 5* avenging blades (perma)

    Sword # 2:
    +15 2* heremon twin swords (perma)

    besdies these, there isnt much on the account. maybe some leftover gold and some useful Nx utility items.

    accepting following payments
    Runescape OSRS gold
    Vindictus West server gold
    paypal gift
    paypal/moneypak prepaid

    Please do not hesitate to ask me for screenshots or additional information if you desire

    Contact me on ym skype: shirostienway
    to discuss
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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