Selling Seven Knights Global / Raid Team / Arena 4300 / 38 Ace / 40 Dellons / 40 Eilleene / Many costumes

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hathford&Sons, 10/2/16.

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  1. Hathford&Sons

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    My Location:
    Account is bound to g-mail/ netmarble

    Account details:
    Level 66
    Gold: 2,9million
    top 5 guild
    all guild war costumes
    Ruby: 500~
    Topaz: 471
    Established Dragon/CR team lvl99 drake around 1,3mil average
    Masteries: All unlocked lvl 110
    Formation:3 formations are maxed at level40
    Castle Rush Points: 1-3 mill
    Hero storage: 169
    Item storage: 55
    Arena score is 4000-4400

    Castle Rush points for Cr shop to buy lots of elements 162 left.

    Topaz 490

    Special Heroes
    Ace 38 GOLD +5
    Dellons 40 GOLD +5 3 costumes
    Eileene 40 GOLD +5 5 costumes
    Lubu 30 GOLD +5 (4star in Iventory)
    Wukong 32 GOLD +5
    Rudy 34 GOLD +5 2 costumes
    Spike 32 GOLD +5 1 costume
    Rachel 30 GOLD +5 4 costumes
    Jave 30 GOLD +5 1 costume
    4* Kris 1 costume
    4* dellons
    5* rachel
    4* jave

    6 stars
    Tsubaki 40 GOLD +5
    Giparang 40 GOLD +5
    Yu Shin 40 GOLD +5 1 costume
    Da Qiao 40 GOLD +5 1 costume
    Guan Yu 40 GOLD +5 1 costume
    Lina 40 GOLD +5 2 costumes
    Alice 40 GOLD +5 2 costumes
    Black Rose 40 GOLD +5 2 costumes
    Ming Ming 40 GOLD +5 1 costume
    Sieg 40 GOLD +5 1 costume
    Shane 40 GOLD +5 5 costumes
    Nia 40 GOLD +5
    Ruri 40 GOLD +5 1 costume
    May 40 GOLD +5 2 costumes
    Karin 40 GOLD +5 2 costumes
    Evan 40 GOLD +5 2 costumes
    Velika 40 GOLD +5 1 costume
    Jupy 40 GOLD +5
    Daisy 36 GOLD +5
    Lucy 40 GOLD +5 1 costume
    Xiao 32 GOLD +5

    Lots of equipment still in storage seven knights and raid items
    arena deck has awakened gear
    Lots of Max Spd Weapons magical and physical
    Lots of elements & Unlockers

    Awakened Raid team & Raid Team
    Jupy BR
    Lina Eileene Velika Sieg

    Shane BR
    Dellons Karon Daisy Bailong

    Got questions? Feel free to
    add me on Line :deftsu94
    or gmail
    [email protected]
    for PICTURES
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. chiangben1

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