[Offering] Business partners

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by Arlo, 10/2/16.

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  1. Arlo

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    Hi, I'm Arlo. I run a very successful Pokemon GO shop.

    Recently there was a ban wave, which meant a lot of my stock was banned. Whilst I recover and begin selling again I would like to know if anyone would like to go into business together

    What does that involve?

    - I can fund your idea (I have a lot of money which I could invest in stock)
    - I can post the thread and/or control the everyday workings of the business (My involvement is up to you)
    - I have vouches and will boost your sales

    So if you have an idea and would like funding or help with running a business here on playerup, hit me up on Skype (in my sig)!
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