Sold Selling High end base lvl 47

Discussion in 'VEGA Conflict Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by propoison, 10/1/16.

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  1. propoison

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    All blueprints,many great ships,crafting material,all buildings max,3000 coins +commerce module.
    Ragnarok Carrier 2x MK4
    Gharial Cutter 6x MK5
    3x Basilisk Cutter(Demon corps)
    Dread Battleship 4x MK5
    Venom Battleship 19x (MK1-3)
    Machete Destroyer 2x MK4
    Lance Destroyer 5x (4 MK5,1 MK4)
    Apocryptha Cruiser 6x(MK4-5)
    Revelation Cruiser 9x(MK4-5)
    Hurricane Frigate 5x(MK3-5)
    and other ships.

    price 300$ , email [email protected] if you have questions.

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