Selling [Selling] Unic account from EVE is selling

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by Shrek666, 9/1/23.

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  1. Shrek666

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    Selling at the lowest prices my old merchant account. Moreover, at the lowest prices you will receive assets and standings throughout the galaxy, from personal correspondence you will also learn many secrets of big politics! You can send me money, and I will give you an account and mail. If you do not trust me - which is correct, we can use the well-known global trading platform - playerup. You definitely won't lose money there! My account names Gray_Brick there. You can always find the announcement of the sale of an account by going to the category of Eve's accounts online and typing "unic" in the search. It will appear there immediately. By the way, not only merchant ships are pumped there, but various exotic pvp ships too!

    Account with

    - 19 300 000 SP

    - 6 335 900 000 ISK (overall assessment from game on 18.08. 2023 - things and ships, all in game sell possible property)

    - good standing in trade hubs

    -many not usual ships are open - electronic support or big cargo, scan or mining ships for example

    - account was born in 2019
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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