Approved and Implemented Seller and Buyer Phone

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by asdasd112, 10/1/16.

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  1. asdasd112

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    when some1 buy one acc than some or automatic send msj to seller than he will noticed then he can come fast and buyer cant w8 2 much...

    as a result when seller acc it must be add also phone number than he get a message when some 1 buy hic acc
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  2. Admin

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    Ideally what you are requesting is something we'd like to have but there are limitations to implementing this. This requires 1 of 2 things:

    1). The seller has their email activated on their phone so when an order is placed a notification will be sent to their phone. This already works but it requires the seller to be logged into their email and received notifications when an order is placed. What we could do is make a guide explaining how to make this work for GMAIL, YAHOO and HOTMAIL emails. They either need to download their official apps to make this work. We ourselves have this setup for gmail where popup notifications are sent to our devices here.

    2). We need an official app for this to work. The problem is we are inquired about releasing an app with the Apple Store and they initially declined us saying that they don't support gaming related community services like this for security reasons. For the Google Store, we shouldn't have any issues so if we made an app it would only work for Android devices. For that reason we haven't moved forward with launching a PlayerUp App.
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