PolyAim is a polycheat with only aimbot. It uses threads exactly like PolyMeme so it's very easy to get this aimbot working in PolyMeme Features: Smooth (self-explanatory) RCS (Recoil control system) I made it opensource cause it's mostly made for learning as it exists other cheats with a lot more stuff Compile with PolyLoader, It's sticked in the main section of CS:GO ScreenShots: I can't really show an aimbot with a picture and i currently don't have a recording software so just try it yourself Virusscans: (Don't know if i need them cause it's just # with 3 txt files lul) https://www.virustotal.com/sv/file/a...is/1474400865/ https://virusscan.jotti.org/en-GB/fi...job/nk209jca5n glhf Downloadable Files http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/zip.gif PolyAim_mpgh.net.zip [Download and Thanks] (11.8 KB)