Sold [WTS] [NA] Silver 1 - 101 Skins S5 Gold V

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sunsetss, 9/30/16.

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  1. Sunsetss

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    This is my personal account I've had for a several years. Reason I would like to sell it is because I want to move on in life and do other things besides sit here and play a game that I hardly enjoy anymore. Plus, having money is nice. Speaking of money I spent a lot of my own money on this account throughout the years and have had a lot of good memories with it. I'd like whoever buys it to have as much fun as I did with it when I was a bit younger.

    Account Features:

    • No Mutes
    • No Bans
    • Original Owner
    • 101 Skins
    • All Champs but the 4 newer ones
    • Made in 2012 I Believe
    • Ranked Sense S3- Bronze 1 S4- Silver 3 S5- Gold 5
    • 9 Rune Pages
    • Nearly All Runes Purchased
    • A lot of Legacy Skins

    Profile Page -

    Rune Pages-

    Elophant Skin Score Page-

    Hextech Crafting Page-

    Ward Skins-

    If you have any questions or want to see more screens shots of the account I'd be glad to post them, just not sure what else needs to be posted. I'm not really looking for a specific price, but please be reasonable with your offers I'd like to make a fair amount of cash from this account at least. Feel free to contact me via a reply below & I will add your Skype or whatever else works for you. /bai

    Edit- Skype Contact @ [email protected]
    #1 Sunsetss, 9/30/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/10/19
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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