Sold Selling OO League of Angels II Account

Discussion in 'League of Angels Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by nospirit, 9/30/16.

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  1. nospirit

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    Main - 80 lvl +11 R8 Animate lvl 2 finished (Clothing Angel Outfit,Demon Outfit) (Accessorys World Tree Insignia I & Azure Pendant I )
    Angel of Apocalypse Moira - 80 lvl +3 R7 Animate lvl 2 finished
    Silver Dragon Princess Lydia - 80 lvl +8 R6 Animate lvl 2 (5 parts missing)
    Light Envoy Liz - 80 lvl +8 R6 Animate lvl 2 (5 parts missing)
    Djinni A'ishah - 80 lvl +8 R6 Animate lvl 2 (2 parts missing)

    Equip: All legendary
    *100-150 enchant

    Relics: All legendary
    *15-79 enchant
    *Runes few 7,most are 6 and few 5 (full sockets)(few relics are engraved)

    Mount: Unicorn
    *R7 Lv9

    Battle Pet: Garuda
    *76 lvl R6 7 stars

    Soul Arm: Frostrune Pilar R2 5 stars,Abysal Blade R1,almost got Dragon Warlance

    I'm into top guild on server

    *stats change daily so if interested find me on skype: niki.niki165
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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