Selling Female KYOC AWE Inner in Blue Dragon

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SellMore, 9/29/16.

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  1. SellMore

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    _ KYOC female char with AWE inner

    _ Top dps with lv 11 perish blade + external treasure with critical damage and skills damage. Normal dps is around 8k-10k in every 2 seconds without any pills. With instance pill, 40k crit is what you can expect in every 2 seconds.

    _ Flexible in pvp and mass pvp due to high amount of useful skills, both external and internal.

    _ Flying bird mount: Flying into the sky is one of the best experience in age of wushu.


    _ AWE 75/75
    _ ATS 59/59
    _ Divined Water 54/59
    _ Icy Heart 43/52
    _ Five Element 36/36
    _ WV 4th inner 49/49
    And enough cultivation pills to lv 40 for 4th and 5th inner

    8-School Meridians 180/180
    ATS 180/180
    Divined Water 180/180


    Full Jade C6, Yin Style
    C6 Jade Weapon : Sword/Twin Dagger/Twin Blade/ Dagger/ Quater staff (all chef)

    Weapon Manual

    Bare hand: 1000/1000
    Sword: 1000/1000
    Twin Dagger: 1000/1000
    Dagger: 26/700
    Twin Sword 512/512



    And three others (sorry, I'm unable to post more than 2 links)


    Skill Sets

    I got almost every cash shop skill for this account. I will list a few sets that I usually use:

    _ Taichi Fist combo: 4 skills, lv 3
    _ 13 lethal sword : lv 8
    _ 9 palaces sword: lv 8
    _ Budda Heart Palm : lv 10
    _ Yuan yuan twin blade: lv 8
    _ Shura Blade: lv 8
    _ Phantom Twin Dagger: lv 10
    _ Curled branch sword: lv 10
    _ 8 lotus: lv 10
    _ King Damned Dagger lv 10
    _ Sheng feng dagger: lv 8
    _ Heaven Net Dance: lv 10
    _ ATS set (jade maiden): lv 10
    _ Divine Water set (twin dagger, Shock of Snow): lv 10

    With a good pvp skills, you can kill people as your same level in 1 combo (exclude the OP accounts with ancient spamming, ofc)

    If you would like to know more, please contact me via my email:
    [email protected]

    Warm regards,

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