Sold [H] Shiny Starter Eggs [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Accounts for Sale - Buy POGO Account' started by /u/Shadow_sm36, 8/25/23.

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  1. /u/Shadow_sm36

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    I have 6 Shiny Eggs in Pokemon Violet. All are Self-Obtained in-game (Pokemon Violet), If hatched by me, they would have: OT Shadow, ID 233234.

    My Reference Page: RefPage

    The egg details are in this spreadsheet: SHEET

    The rate is $10 +Fees for the 5 IV Eggs and $14 +Fees for the 6 IV eggs.

    I can also sell in Bundles of 3, with a bundle of 1 6IV egg + 2 5IV eggs for $25+Fees

    I am also planning to breed more, so if you want a particular pokemon, let me know and I can start on stocking for the future.

    # #/Shadow_sm36
    . .
    #1 /u/Shadow_sm36, 8/25/23
    Last edited by a moderator: 9/27/23
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