Selling Selling 580k+ EU, 4books, all class, cheap

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lieutenant, 9/28/16.

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  1. Lieutenant

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    Hi, want to sell my account in Skyforge on EU server. Account made at 14.08.2015

    I have atm 582k pretige. Im in best EU pantheon with very helpfull community. There is still premium till 28.09.2016

    It has all classes unlocked and maxed.
    All symbols from Ascension Atlas unlocked.
    Max laboratory lvl avelible.

    Best avelible eq for archer and alchemist. 5 best legendary rings and mats for 6th

    Killed all avelible avatars.
    I have maxed god of hunt, knowlage, defence, authority, travel and 1/3 of god of war.

    Completed Distortions:

    Equipment Ranks
    Main Hand - rank 8 with bionic weapon booster
    Off Hand - rank 8 with bionic aditional booster
    Rings - rank 11 with bionic ornament

    Destruction: 14
    Creation: 10
    Balance: 3

    Order rank 30
    with all dps orange chapels, 4luck/4str fallowers.

    My P2w things:
    Special Node of Destruction, Balance, and Creation,
    Bright Node of Destruction, Balance, and Creation
    Optimizer Second set of Abilities,
    Bionic Ornament, bionic weapon booster, bionic aditional booster
    Aeli's Legacy: Part I and 2
    Survivor and Veteran token
    Development system 1 and 2

    11k Victor medals for future envets
    There is 28k argents to spend.

    Later will add screenshots

    Strating price is: 250 Euro only via paypal
    I will concider all offer

    For more info pm here or via email [email protected] I will try anwser all your questionconsider
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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