Selling Selling NA Account 280k Prestige

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KratosKaneki, 9/28/16.

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  1. KratosKaneki

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    280k prestige.
    Focus on Gunner.
    2 extra talent slots open.
    All classes maxed's.
    Divine atlas open : God of Hunt, God of Travels and God of War.
    Distorcion A and B done.
    Order rank 65. Temples all above 20.
    3 Patrons complete and one in 62%.
    And fluids to make 3 legendary rings. (473)
    And very good limits.

    Msg me on skype ( Bge.lance )
    or facebook ( )
    whats app 5531 98638-5050

    I will sell VERY CHEAP because need some fast money. msg me for make offers!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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