Hi Guys, welcome to my first Thread First of all there is one thing left to say: Sorry for my bad english Requirements: - CheatEngine 6.5.x (or later) - Atleast one free Weapon Variant - Atleast one Camo for the Weapon you want the Camo on (Nuk3Town is also possible) Instructions: -Go into the Main Menu of Black Ops 3 (where you can select Multiplayer, Zombies, Singleplayer, ...) (because VAC-Safe[09/03/2016 5:05 PM]) -Then press "M" (or open the Menu) -Go to Weaponsmith and select the Weapon you want the Camo on and create a new Variant for it -Select the Nuk3Town Camo or any else -Open CheatEngine and search for the exact value (4Byte) "35" (or the Camo Number of your Camo) -Then delete the Camo from the Weapon "R" -Repeat the two steps above 2-3 times, until you see a Number which starts with 1xx (for example 123ABCDEF) -Select the Record and edit the Value to the camo you want -Save Variant, equip it, and you're done (other people can see it also) I hope it worked for you and much fun with it. I'm out, bye.