Sold [WTS] Selling Account 4.6 S/D!

Discussion in 'Alliance of Valiant Arms Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Martez002, 9/27/16.

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  1. Martez002

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    I've decided to sell my account since education on doors,
    Spent around 300$ on this Account Proof available in case requested
    Here is Pointman/Riffle/Sniper: imgur . com/a/PHe4T
    NOTE: You go first don't offer if you aren't willing to OR Middle Man playerup In case you need any evidance inside game or a view
    Contact skype: husokartav
    Payment Accepted is Paypal - Level: 1ST Major
    Price 100$
    Video: sendvid . com/h8tqdhez
    Account includes all blasters/black/gold snakes/fortune star packs etc video shows
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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