Selling account nickname Radegast, AWA Freya, Pan, Ciel(one 7 star item), Lana (as lead, with 7 star items) +10 Mithy, Darek +9 Zebram soon to be awaken, 6stars - Shana(+7), Lilian, Voros, Liz, Sylvia, Pie(+7), Flair, Orga(+7), Zelga, Refina, Vira, Baldur(+7), Uroth(+8), Para, Chaos(+7), Holy, Char, Cynthia, Warp(+8), Idris, Nurse and others, check my account Pets - Mumu +7, Mr. T+7 contact my email [email protected] if more buyers will contact me, the higher amount and faster buyer wins