Sold Selling Wts yul ghost sentinel 101 / othel adventurer 100 (almost 101)

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PortoLeone7, 9/26/16.

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  1. PortoLeone7

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    Main: Othel Adventurer 100 lvl (almost 101)
    Dual: Yul Ghost Sentinel 101 lvl
    all subs
    FULL exalted
    Yul has
    2x lv 5 Giant STR dyes
    1x Lv 5 Legendary DEX dye
    Talisman Desire
    4 slot brooch
    ruby lv 3 diamond lv 3 emerald lv 4 aquamarine lv 4 pearl lv 3
    most of skills +10
    2.5k Daily Coin
    Istina's Shirt
    Venir 14
    Abundance lvl 1
    R99 light set +6 (white assasin app)
    R99 BLESSED bow+9 1 sa (Augment is P.skill crit rate +10%)
    Frintezza soul neck
    Coc Earring (stun resist)
    Istina's Earring
    Queen ant's Soul ring
    Octavi's Ring (war)
    25 octavi's crystals
    25 istina's crystals
    Wond. Cubic
    1.000.000 + fame
    10.000+ raid points
    In wh is about 3b worth of items, luc pots, etc. Also 1 bloody amara stone.
    for more details about the toon please contact me in skype: Panos.fan1 and i can send pics and w/e else you want to know about :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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