Selling WTS Top PVE Char AWE 75

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheUnkown, 9/26/16.

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  1. TheUnkown

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    If you are looking for PVE Char, this is the one. Do intance really fast. always top 1 damge in new world wb.
    AWE 75/75
    Ice Heart Code 44/52
    ATS inner 59
    Divine Water 54 (open to 59)

    Full set Jade 6 yin
    Full all of jade 6 class weapons( all Chef)
    gold Sword class 6 with 3 line snow sword rage

    5 int treasures with crit hit damge and reduce
    5 ext treasures with hit damge and hit rate( all Perish Blade skills)

    have full combo tcf lv 3

    Skills: i have almost cash shop sets, just gonna list main sets
    Budda palm
    9 palace
    shura blade
    YY blade
    8 lotus
    perish Blade lv 11
    Phantom dagger
    heaven dance
    guxi dagger lv 8
    shock of snow lv 10
    Curled Branch Sword lv 10
    Jade Maiden sword lv 10
    ...and much much more

    all school meridians max 180/180 (except beggar 144)
    ancient tomb 180/180
    water palace 180/180

    Weapon Manual
    Bare Hand 1000/1000
    Sword 1000/1000
    twin Dagger 1000/1000
    Dagger 700/1000
    Twin Sword 512/512

    3-stars: sword, twin dagger, and twin sword
    10 fashion lores

    I'm looking for $700, contact me at [email protected]
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