Selling Selling Selling great US Rift Acc with all perks and a fully geared T3 65 MAGE

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Daxionan, 9/26/16.

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  1. Daxionan

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    I'm leaving Rift as I am not interested in the upcoming xpac, and I am selling my US Rift Account with :
    - All minion slots
    - All bag slots (& max sized bags), and all initial bank slots
    - A litteral ton of wardrobe options, a ton of mount options, over 700 artifact sets collected, several bags of fluff items
    - Most rep maxxed (all the useful ones from the last 2 xpacks at the very least)
    - All craft professions maxxed at 450 on the mage, no need to switch chars to craft stuff anymore
    - About 1700 credits left
    - Tons of xp/token/favour pots, enough to get you into the x-pac, even has some crafting insta-boost
    - T3 geared DPS mage, see stats on screenshot
    - First two soul packs

    Asking 100USD.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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