Selling Selling $10-15 R5 Asura Mage - Master class ready (R7) Betrayal Server

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by madara156, 9/26/16.

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  1. madara156

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    Hello everyone, here just selling a Rappelz account that has a Chaos magician that is R7 Ready. I am selling this account for about $10 paypal (Must send first). After confirmation on payment i will change account settings to what you'd like. I also do plan on making and selling more of these accounts, so if you have a request let me know what type of class you'd like and on what server, and is the price will be $20. The reason will be having to focus on a specific class, and the time it will take (which takes about 2-3 days depending on the situation).

    So the price for the Chaos magician is $10-15 so if you're interested let me know

    Skype: xxKirisutoxx

    Character: Asura Mage (Chaos Magician)
    Server: Betrayal
    Current level: 105
    How is this a R5 "Masterclass ready" account?
    -It's an R7 read account because all the grinding has been done. All you need to do is start the witch quests part 1 (get to 120) --> Sanctuary questline (get to about 138-143) ---> Witch quest part 2 (level 138 witch quest) (Get to about 151) --> Masterclass trial finishes getting you to level 153 or so.

    If i want a request how do i do about doing that?
    -You will have to register a new Email and make a new account (Would prefer not doing this on your main account at this time), after that is done send me the username of the new account and password, and 2-3 days i will have your character ready (However you must pay beforehand, or i will have to make the account and after i'm you can pay). Also send at least 4 names that you'd like to have your character named after.


    Prices and Requests

    $10 always for class and server i decide to choose along with character name

    $20 Request for a specific class, server and name

    $50 Request to up to 3 characters with specific class, server and name (Not available at this time)

    $25 3 character account for classes and server i choose

    So if you're interested in anything let me know @ skype: xxKirisutoxx

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