Sold Selling Wts end game items +15 dark retributer +8/9/10 dark robe etc

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Peikko, 9/26/16.

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  1. Peikko

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    Hi guys,
    As much as I am sad to sell all my gear away, it's time for me cash out and to focus on other things than L2.
    I have a lot of end game items, all in Naia including;

    +15 PVP RETRIBUTER 2SA, Lvl 8 and 6
    +12 PVE RETRIBUTER 2SA, Lvl 6
    +7 PVP RETRIBUTER 2SA, Lvl 5

    +8/8/9/8/10 PVP ROBE SET, Fully attributed,
    +6/7 Robe Set x 2 with 1 PVE Tunic,

    1 x Blessed Valakas Necklace,
    2 x Soul Baium Rings,
    1 x Tauti Ring,
    2 x QA Rings,
    1 x Antharas Earring,
    3 x Soul Orfen Earring,

    2 x Longing Talisman,
    1 x Anakim,
    1 x Lilith,
    1 x Lvl 2 Abundance Talisman,

    +6 Ekimus Belt

    I also have a Lvl 8 clan and clan hall in Rune, Naia.
    Msg me here with offers in USD only with Skype and we can take it from there.
    Serious offers only.
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